        NOTE 2/6/2017: This was the reward for winning the clicking challenge. I'm still not quite sure if it's possible
    so here it is in its full glory. It was written in 2015 but the story must be told.
        The year was 1947. The date was TONIGHT! An alien spaceship touched down near Roswell, New Mexico. 
        Although the government tried to cover up the incident, there were many witnesses. They haven't 
    been able to tell their stories because of various government laws, but these don't apply to Kideatingdirt.com
    for some reason.
        The following excerpts have been taken from the complete transcripts of interviews conducted by Ryan Manny.
        Betty Catheter
    A:  The UFO... I could see it burning through the sky while I was on my evening walk. It came in so fast...
        it ricocheted off the top of my house and the roof caved in. My husband was still inside!
    Q:  What did you do then?
    A:  I ran to my neighbor's house and called my insurance agent.
    Q:  Not the police?
    A:  I wanted to make sure that my house was insured against UFOs.
    Q:  Did they?
    A:  They didn't, so I told my neighbor to go light the house on fire, since the company covered that.
    Q:  What about your husband?
    A:  Life insurance, duh!
        Jonathan McDonkey
    Q:  Tell us your story.
    A:  I was working late at the office on the night that it fell.
    Q:  What did you see?
    A:  I didn't see anything! My office doesn't even have any windows!
    Q:  Then why did you apply for this interview?
    A:  Because I want a stinkin' window! Tell Obama to make my boss install one! I can't work under these
    Q:  Didn't this happen almost 70 years ago?
    A:  What does that have to do with anything!?
        General Specific
    Q:  What do you remember about that night?
    A:  I was flyin' direct from Portland to Chicken, Alaska when the plane started rumblin'. Can't remember
        if it were Maine or Oregon.
    Q:  Why was it rumbling?
    A:  Huh? Well, anyway, a few hours later when we landed, I heard that a UFO landed in Roswell.
    Q:  So was the rumbling from the UFO flying by?
    A:  Yeah probably. One of the flight attendants said it might have been that there turbelence. That just
        proves the government covered it up.